Thursday, September 24, 2009

Let the cynicism begin...

Who are we kidding? Let the cynicism continue. Based on the rather abysmal output of the public school systems in the US in recent years, I have found an increasing number of young people who don't know rule of grammar or definitions of rather simple words and terms. Sure, there are resources available to help these unfortunate creatures with their language skills, but most of them are pretty dry, almost all of them are politically correct, and that means they are almost univerally wrong in the nuanced meanings of the loaded words used throughout our language.

I used to own a book called the Cynic's Dictionary. In some cases, I would disagree with the definitions because the author's viewpoint was quite different from mine. I shall not, to the best of my knowledge, redo anything from that body of work. This is not so much because I disagreed with it as it is the fact that I have misplaced it.